Consider the following screenshot.
The features I want to have are:
\theta & \sin \theta\\
\foreach \x in {0,10,...,360}{\x & \FPeval\temp{round(\x:3)}\temp\\}
with the option table
for \rowcolor
(and internally pgfmath
) that is used to build the entire table. The pgfmath
package helps us to create the trigonometric values (which are all built-in)longtable
to allow page-breaks in one table (needs multiple passes)siunitx
to typeset numbers in tables (pgfmath
does a good job on number printing already, but that is not very well suited for tables)booktabs
for nice rules.\pgfplotstableset
Styles prepended with an @
are new styles created by me. Neither is the @
needed (just to separate pgfplotstable
’s styles from mine) nor are the names set in stone. These styles are used with the .list
handler to ease the creation of the columns.
The line
@create function/.list={sin,cos,tan,cot,cosec,sec},
builds the main columns, note that the csc
function is named cosec
in PGF. The column is named cosec
but I later change the column name
to csc
. (One may also note that one should use proper column names, e.g. $\phi$
and $\sin \phi$
instead of empty column names and non-math-mode but math-function names.)
Note the string type
key, this deactivates PGF printing number features (but not the PGF math calculation of the columns).
setupThe basic keys begin table
and end table
are used to set the internal table environment from tabular
to longtable
The every head row
style is (mis-)used to set up the special rows (these are longtable
features). See the longtable
manual for more.
Let's create 91 rows (+ header (e.g. longtable
Certain siunitx
settings are made before the actual typesetting (this could have been done in the S[…]
column specifications, too). These settings are needed so that siunitx
doesn’t try to setup numbers in scientific notation as PGF math may give an output in the form of 1.746e-2
(pretty much everywhere).
Here the auxiliary styles for setting up the column type
s are used.
The @secure header
uses the \multicolumn
macro to hide the content from siunitx
’s parsing. The usual approach by putting the content in braces, e.g. {sin}
doesn’t appear to be working here.
The left
and the right
column only uses r
columns (we could use S
here, too) with an appended \si{\degree}
via array
’s <{…}
syntax. This is also the reason the header needs an empty \multicolumn{1}{c}{}
% helpers
@create function/.style={
create on use/#1/.style={
create col/expr=#1(\thisrow{left})}},
@secure header/.style={
columns/#1/.append style={
column name=\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}}},
@set columns to siunitx type 1/.style={
columns/#1/.append style={
string type,
column type={S[table-format=1.4]}}},
@set columns to siunitx type 2/.style={
columns/#1/.append style={
string type,
string replace={inf}{\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\infty$}},
column type={S[table-format=2.4]}}},
@set columns to siunitx type 3/.style={
columns/#1/.append style={
string type,
string replace={inf}{\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\infty$}},
column type={S[table-format=2.3]}}},
@set columns to basic style/.style={
columns/#1/.append style={
column type={r<{\si{\degree}}}}},
@set empty header/.style={
columns/#1/.append style={
column name={\multicolumn{1}{c}{}}}},
% the left and right columns
create on use/left/.style={
create col/expr=\pgfplotstablerow},
create on use/right/.style={
create col/expr={90-\thisrow{left}}},
% Let's start: the functions
@create function/.list={sin,cos,tan,cot,cosec,sec},
% The longtable setup
begin table=\begin{longtable},
end table=\end{longtable},
every head row/.append style={
before row=\toprule,
after row=%
\midrule \endhead
\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {cos} & {sin} & {cot} & {tan} & {csc} & {sec} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\dots}\\ \bottomrule
\multicolumn{1}{c}{} & {cos} & {sin} & {cot} & {tan} & {csc} & {sec} & \multicolumn{1}{r}{} \\ \bottomrule
every odd row/.style={before row={\rowcolor[gray]{.9}}},
\sisetup{scientific-notation = fixed, fixed-exponent = 0, table-auto-round=true}
% the column types
@set columns to siunitx type 1/.list={sin,cos},
@set columns to siunitx type 2=tan,
@set columns to siunitx type 3/.list={cot,sec,cosec},
@set columns to basic style/.list={left,right},
% setup for the headers
@secure header/.list={sin,cos,tan,cot,sec},
@set empty header/.list={left,right},
columns/cosec/.append style={column name={\multicolumn{1}{c}{csc}}},
you can use all siunitx
' settings and customization. If your document for example follows the German typesetting rules you can do \sisetup{locale=DE}
which includes the setting output-decimal-marker = {,}
. - Qrrbrbirlbel
More easily, you can use the calculator [1] package which will allow you to evaluate the trigonometric functions. Also the supertabular [2] package will allow you to make the repeated heading/footer on each table.
Here is a simpler example:
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{ } &
\cos \theta & \sin \theta & \tan \theta &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{Table continued \ldots}\\
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{ } &
\cos \theta & \sin \theta & \tan \theta &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } \\
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{ } &
\cos \theta & \sin \theta & \tan \theta &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{ }\\
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{ } &
\cos \theta & \sin \theta & \tan \theta &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{ } \\
\multicolumn{5}{c}{Continued on next page \ldots}\\
\forloop{theangle}{0}{\value{theangle} < 360}{
\arabic{theangle}^\circ &
\DEGREESCOS{\value{theangle}}{\solx} \solx &
\DEGREESSIN{\value{theangle}}{\solx} \solx &
\DEGREESTAN{\value{theangle}}{\solx} \solx &
, (2)xcolor
with thetable
option, (3) eitherfp
. - Werner