I want to create posters for my poster presentation on a conference. What tools or LaTeX classes are available for preparing posters ?
? Just a kind of "hello world", so that users can see what it's like right here without having to go to external sites. - doncherry
Elena Botoeva has written a new package for creating posters with TikZ, called fancytikzposter [1]. There are already five templates with different node shapes and colors.
Sample [2]:
Note that as indicated by the author [3],
NOTE that we joined our efforts with the tikzposter team, which resulted in an improved version 2.0 of the tikzposter class that you can find in http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikzposter. This class combines both good structure and nice layouts. The official webpage of our project is https://bitbucket.org/surmann/tikzposter/wiki/ (under construction).
I am not going to maintain this style.
See the tikzposter answer [4].
[1] https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Eebotoeva/fancytikzposter.html
[1] is a LaTeX class designed for posters.
Look at the example file included in the class' zip file and you will probably find your way.
A few quick tips :
and positioning other boxes using below=abc
parameters.EDIT - one of the example posters:
[1] http://www.brian-amberg.de/uni/poster/baposter
? Just a kind of "hello world", so that users can see what it's like right here without having to go to external sites. - doncherry
The already mentioned
[1] by Elena Botoeva now merged with tikzposter
to form tikzposter
2.0 (
Bitbucket wiki
CTAN resource
[3]) which is a great solution to build beautiful posters:
Previously, I wasted a lot of time trying to get sufficiently large paper sizes, sufficiently large fonts, etc. And even when I was successful, I had difficulties with PDF previewers that e.g. waste ridiculous amounts of memory if you open an A0 document. Finally I realised that I can simply create my poster in A4 size. Then you just ask that it's printed in A0 size (a single click in Adobe Reader printing dialog; in most cases, even your local university press can do it). You can easily preview your poster by simply printing it on an A4 printer.
I usually use 8pt fonts (\footnotesize
) in my A4 posters. It translates to 32pt fonts when scaled to A0, which seems to be a suitable size for a typical conference poster. Nowadays I'm simply using the article
class and settings such as
You can use the textpos
package to place "text boxes" using absolute coordinates. Other useful packages include color
, titlesec
, enumitem
, and psnfss
For very large fonts (e.g. poster title), you can use something like \fontsize{26}{30}\selectfont
– alternatively, you can use the \scalebox
command. For layout tweaks: \hspace
, \vspace
, \makebox
, \parbox
, \raisebox
. For drawing lines and boxes: \rule
to do what's expected. - Ben
I have some advice on this topic elsewhere, which includes pointers to other resources: Using LaTeX to produce conference posters [1]
Myself, I think that the most useful package for a task like this is the
[2] (disclaimer: I wrote that, as a spinoff from the task of laying out posters).
In the site LaTeX Templates [1] there are three downloadable Conference Posters templates: baposter Portrait Poster, Dreuw & Deselaer's Poster and Jacobs Landscape Poster.
Example: Jacobs Landscape Poster [2]
This poster template features a clean sectioned look suitable for presenting research at a conference. Important information is highlighted with colored boxes and each section within the poster is clearly separated from the others. The layout of the template contains four columns but this can be changed to accommodate varying amounts of information or figures. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster.
Original Author:
This template was originally created by the Computational Physics and Biophysics Group, Jacobs University and was then modified by Nathaniel Johnston. Finally, it has been extensively modified for this website.
[1] http://www.latextemplates.com/cat/conference-posters
[1] and
[2] are two document classes that are designed to help you make posters. a0poster
worked better for me.
There is also the umbcposter
package (similar to baposter
). You can download it from:
The site also provides a good on-line users' guide, as well as a sample poster to get started and a gallery of posters that have used the package.
Here is part of the sample poster provided:
% sample.tex % A sample UMBCposter.% Rouben Rostamian, February 2010
\LARGE\sc This is the title \\[0.6ex]
\Large\sl Rouben Rostamian\\
\Large UMBC
background style = {left color = Apricot, right color = white},
title = {\mytitle},
right logo, % use default
left logo, % use default
box/border style, % use default
box/header style, % use default
box/body style = {bottom color=blue!10, top color=red!5},
box/all rounded,
\boxit{col = 0, at top, name=box1}{Title of Box 1}{
\item col = 0
\item at top
\item name = box1
\boxit{col = 0, below of=box1, name=box2}{Title of Box 2}{
\item col = 0
\item below of = box1
\item name = box2
[1] http://math.umbc.edu/~rouben/umbcposterSince version 4.10,
[1] offers a poster
library which combines its already known capabilities for colorful boxes creation with baposter
positioning system.
The starting point for boxes distribution over the poster is a typical matrix (row and columns) but boxes placement or size are not restricted to the scheme. Boxes length can be automatically computed with other boxes as reference. And boxes can be broken and its content flow between fragments.
Following code shows a little example. You can find a more detailed example in tcolorbox-example-poster [2] tutorial or in Thomas F. Sturm [3] answer to Creating this poster layout using minipages [4]
coverage = {
interior style = {top color = white, bottom color = brown!80!black},
poster = {
% showframe,
columns=3, rows=5},
boxes = {
fontsize = 12pt,
\posterbox{name=title, column=1, span=3, below=top}{
{\Large This is a very nice poster made with \texttt{tcolorbox}}\\tex.stackexchange.com}
\posterbox[adjusted title=Introduction]{name=intro, column=1, span=2, below = title}{\lipsum[2]}
\posterbox{name=logo, column*=3, span=.5, above=bottom}{
\fill[yellow] circle (1cm);
\fill[red] (45:.5cm) circle (1mm) (135:.5cm) circle (1mm);
\draw[red, line width=1mm] (215:5mm) arc (215:325:5mm);
\posterbox[adjusted title=Conclusions]{name=conc, column=2, span=2, above = logo}{\lipsum[2]}
\posterbox[adjusted title=Acknowledgments]{name=ack, span = 2.5, column = 1, between = conc and bottom}{\Huge Thank you to Thomas F. Sturm}
\posterbox[adjusted title=Description, colback=white]{name=desc, sequence = 1 between intro and ack then 2 between intro and conc then 3 between title and conc}{\lipsum[1-4]}
[1] http://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorboxbaposter
and experimented unsuccessfully with beamerposter
. You can use the fontsize
package to implement large font sizes very easily. - Alan Munn
I recently dicovered
[1]. It is based on pgf so tikz related things will work fine. The macros are fairly easy to understand and Brain (the author) shows quite a lot of examples.
All I can say that I recently won the poster price at a conference with a baposter designed poster.
[1] http://www.brian-amberg.de/uni/poster/The TeX FAQ has an entry
Creating posters with LaTeX
[1]. I also have a tutorial
Creating Technical Posters with LaTeX
[2] as well as a
tutorial on creating LaTeX posters with a GUI
[3]. My flowfram
package has already been mentioned in a comment. It has an example poster in the
samples directory
Faced with the task to provide a poster template for our institute I just created a small github repository [1] with complete self-explanatory examples for:
In particular I discuss the problem of vertical alignment which can be a bit unnerving in some approaches.
Given the existence of a predefined beamer style file.
I found the tacolorboxes approach to be the most flexible, but in the example posters I also discuss the alternatives in more depth.
package. It seamingly integrates with thebeamer
class, thereby opening the box of goodies that's calledtikz
and making available the standardbeamer
styles. I've made a presentation available about makingbeamer
presentations and posters with thebeamerposter
package. Links are provided in the presentation and if you use TeXLive then you may find more information about the package by executing the commandtexdoc beamerposter
from the command line. - user10274