TeX - LaTeXDraw arc in tikz when center of circle is specified
[+148] [8] niels
[2012-08-07 16:09:31]
[ tikz-pgf ]
[ ]

It would be convenient sometimes to be able to draw an arc in tikz by specifying

i.e., the "natural" way an arc is defined, instead of the "first point of the arc".

Is there a way to do it?

I don't understand but none of the commands defined above works for me (I get "No PDF" and "Runaway argument?" ... "! Paragraph ended before \centerarc was complete.") But it works when I put in the tikzpicture : \filldraw [green!70!black,domain=105:435, fill opacity=0.2] (0,0) -- plot ({0.8*cos(\x)}, {0.8*sin(\x)})--(0,0); \draw [green!70!black,domain=105:435, fill opacity=0.2] plot ({0.7*cos(\x)}, {0.7*sin(\x)}); I tried the commands with/without the calc library. Thanks for any help - Redji
[+132] [2012-08-07 16:21:57] cmhughes [ACCEPTED]

You can use the parametrization


where r is the radius of the circle and (a,b) are the coordinates of its center. In Tikz this can be implemented as follows:



   \draw [red,thick,domain=0:90] plot ({cos(\x)}, {sin(\x)});
   \draw [blue,thick,domain=180:270] plot ({cos(\x)}, {sin(\x)});


which produces


Depending on your application, you might like to do this using the pgfplots package.

Also, in case this is used frequently, consider defining a custom command \centerarc as suggested in a comment by Tom Bombadil (this requires \usetikzlibrary{calc}):

\def\centerarc[#1](#2)(#3:#4:#5)% Syntax: [draw options] (center) (initial angle:final angle:radius)
    { \draw[#1] ($(#2)+({#5*cos(#3)},{#5*sin(#3)})$) arc (#3:#4:#5); }

Then use it by invoking


(3) Clever solution! - percusse
(36) Very nice, I used the idea to define this command: \def\centerarc[#1](#2)(#3:#4:#5)% [draw options] (center) (initial angle:final angle:radius) { \draw[#1] ($(#2)+({#5*cos(#3)},{#5*sin(#3)})$) arc (#3:#4:#5); } It. can be used e.g. likr this: \centerarc[red,thick](0,0)(5:85:1) - Tom Bombadil
(2) I don't really think this answer answers the questions, though Tom Bombadil's comment does. - Chris Chudzicki
(1) Thanks, this was exactly what I was looking for. For those interesseted: I needed a filled arc drawn as a pie. In that case the centerarc definition needs a slight modification by adding the center point again: \def\centerarc[#1](#2)(#3:#4:#5)% { \draw[#1] ($(#2)+({#5*cos(#3)},{#5*sin(#3)})$) arc (#3:#4:#5) -- (#2); } - Eelco van Vliet
(1) I've used this excellent answer for years. Now it seems you need \usetikzlibrary{calc} - PatrickT
[+118] [2012-08-07 16:19:47] Leo Liu

You should use a coordinate transformation for this, to get a proper starting point of the arc. Say, ([shift=(t:r)] x, y) is the proper starting point, where (x,y) is the center and (t:r) is the polar coordinate of starting point.

Full example:

enter image description here



\draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (4,3);
\draw (2,1) -- ++(30:2cm)
      (2,1) -- ++(60:2cm);
% Draw the arc which center is (2,1)
\draw[thick,red] ([shift=(30:1cm)]2,1) arc (30:60:1cm);


(2) Oh this is very clever. I'm going to use this technique to answer my own question here - bobobobo
I like this very much. Much cleaner than the accepted answer. - cooperised
[+52] [2012-08-07 23:15:31] Paul Gaborit

Notation: each arc is defined by <center>, <radius>, <init angle> and <final angle>.

If you want to be able to link several arcs in a single path, you can use shift with following syntax:

  • initial point:([shift={(<init angle>:<radius>)}]<center>)

  • to draw your arc: arc (<init angle>:<final angle>:<radius>)

Example (orange path uses proposed syntax and cyan path uses a style):

  ([shift={(-40:1cm)}]-1.1,0) arc (-40:40:1cm)
  ([shift={(-40+180:1cm)}]1.1,0) arc (-40+180:40+180:1cm)
  -- cycle;
  ([translate=-40:1cm]-1.1,0) arc (-40:40:1cm)
  ([translate=-40+180:1cm]1.1,0) arc (-40+180:40+180:1cm)
  -- cycle;

enter image description here

Edit: a simpler notation!

Using calc TikZ library, you can use a simpler notation:

  • initial point: ($(<center>) + (<init angle>:<radius>)$).


  % center c1
  \coordinate (c1) at (0,0);

  % radius=3mm, initial=0, final=90
  %([shift={(0:3mm)}]c1) arc (0:90:3mm)
  ($(c1) + (0:3mm)$) arc (0:90:3mm)
  % radius=4mm, reversed
  ($(c1) + (90:4mm)$) arc (90:0:4mm)
  -- cycle;

  % radius=4mm, initial=22.5, final=180
  ($(c1) + (22.5:4mm)$) arc (22.5:180:4mm)
  % radius=5mm, reversed
  ($(c1) + (180:5mm)$) arc (180:22.5:5mm)
  -- cycle;

  % center c2
  \coordinate (c2) at (0,12mm);

  % radius=5mm, initial=45, final=270
  ($(c2) + (45:5mm)$) arc (45:270:5mm)
  % radius=6mm, reversed
  ($(c2) + (270:6mm)$) arc (270:45:6mm)
  -- cycle;

  % radius=6mm, initial=67.5, final=360
  ($(c2) + (67.5:6mm)$) arc (67.5:360:6mm)
  % radius=7mm, reversed
  ($(c2) + (360:7mm)$) arc (360:67.5:7mm)
  -- cycle;

enter image description here

How to add proper head for this filled curve to make it look likes an arrow? - CroCo
@CroCo Is it a new issue? So, ask a follow-up question... - Paul Gaborit
The calc notation was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! - Jeffrey Girard
[+20] [2012-08-09 10:37:06] Alain Matthes

Possible is to use tkz-euclide. I f you want something independent of tkz-euclide you can take the code inside the file tkz-obj-arcs.tex. In each cases, I use the center

1) \tkzDrawArc and towards

towards is the option by defaut so it's not necessary to indicate this option. In the the example, the arc starts from A towards the axe OB.

  \tkzDrawLines[add = 0 and .5](O,A O,B)

enter image description here

2) \tkzDrawArc and rotate

Here the center is O, the arc starts from A and the measure of the angle is 180 degrees.

  \tkzDrawLines[add = 0 and .5](O,A O,B)

enter image description here

3) \tkzDrawArc and R

In this case the center is O and you need to give the radius R and two angles

  \tikzset{compass style/.append style={<->}}
  \tkzDrawArc[R, color=orange,double](O,3cm)(270,360)
  \tkzDrawArc[R, color=blue,double](O,2cm)(0,270)

enter image description here

4) \tkzDrawArc and R with nodes In this case, we need to know the center, the radius and the arc starts from the line BA towards the line BO

  \tkzDrawArc[R with nodes](B,\radius pt)(A,O)

enter image description here

5) \tkzDrawArc and delta

Useful to add an arc like with a compass.

\tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(5,0){B} \tkzDefPointBy[rotation= center A%
                angle 60](B) \tkzGetPoint{C}
 \tkzDefPointBy[symmetry= center C](A)
 \tkzDrawSegments(A,B A,D)

enter image description here

I cannot get this code to work. I've loaded tkz-euclide, but LaTeX complains that \tkzDrawArc is not defined. Is there something else I need to load? - A.Ellett
You need to add in the preamble \usetkzobj{arcs} or \usetkzobj{all} - Alain Matthes
(1) @AlainMatthes Would like to reproduce Example (1) in plain TeX. I looked at tkz-obj-arcs.tex, but am confused about what to extract from that to translate to plain TeX. Please advise. - user1823664
[+11] [2012-08-07 21:29:15] rpapa

You can create a new command, like this one


\node[circle,inner sep=0,minimum size={2*#2}](a) at (#1) {};
\draw[red,thick] (a.#3) arc (#3:{#3+#4}:#2);

\coordinate (center) at (3,2);



enter image description here

I added line width and color to your command, and I find it pretty useful and very handy! - Diegis
[+11] [2018-10-03 15:50:42] Jonathan Gratus

Just repeat the first coordinate

%\draw (center) +(th0:rad) arc +(th0:th1:rad)
\draw (1,2) +(-20:3) arc (-20:40:3) ;

which will draw an arc with the center at (1,2), a radius of 3, covering an angle from -20 to 40 degrees. To use units (e.g. cm) one can replace the 3 with 3cm.

  • The \draw (1,2) command starts the path at the coordinate of the arc center;
  • Then +(-20:3) moves to the starting point of the arc (in the polar direction theta=20deg at a distance rad=3 from the center). The + notation means that the reference position for the path is unchanged by this move;
  • Finally, the last command draws the arc, but keeps the original center position (1,2).

(corrected as commented by Ignasi)

Welcome to TeX.SX! - You could use the code style. Use bracket button. - Bobyandbob
(1) I think 1 from (-20:1) should be 2 or 2 from (-20:40:2) should be 1 because the displacement from center must coincide with radius. - Ignasi
I up-vote this, because it really works in polar coordinates (repeating the first coordinate). However, I don't understand the syntax (what is + ?) I used \draw (90:\R) arc (90:180:\R) in my case. - Yaroslav Nikitenko
[+8] [2018-10-16 14:10:13] pluton

A combination of Leo Liu's and cmhughes' solutions (ie, without the calc library):


%Syntax: [draw options] (center) (initial angle:final angle:radius)
    %\draw[#1] ($(#2)+({#5*cos(#3)},{#5*sin(#3)})$) arc (#3:#4:#5);
    \draw[#1]([shift=(#3:#5)]#2) arc (#3:#4:#5);

\draw[help lines] (-2,-2) grid (2,2);
\draw[thin,dashed,blue] (1,1) circle (1cm);
\draw[thin,dashed,red] (0,0) circle (2cm);

Remark: As seen below, the <-> option in the \centerarc examples seems to distort the arcs themselves. I believe this is an unwanted effect, or even a bug.

arcs and circles

[+4] [2015-02-26 16:26:17] Diegis

I added line width and color to your command @rpapa, I find it pretty useful and very handy! Coupled with some very simple polar coordinates, it can handle a lot.


\node[circle,inner sep=0,minimum size={2*#2}](a) at (#1) {};
\draw[#6,line width=#5] (a.#3) arc (#3:{#3+#4}:#2);
% USAGE: \cercle {center} {radius in cm} {begin degrees} {value of the arc} {line width} {color}
% \coordinate (OO) at (2.8,2.2);
% \cercle{OO}{0.5cm}{-20}{60}{1.0pt}{blue};


  \coordinate (OR) at (0.00, 0.00);
  \filldraw [orange] (OR) circle(2pt);
  \node[above left, orange] at (OR) {\textbf{\textit{0}}};
  \draw[step = 0.1cm, gray, ultra thin] (-1.5,-2) grid (1.5,2);
  \draw[black, thin] (-1.5,0)--(1.5,0) (0,-2)--(0,2);
  % 30 degree arc, starting at +15 degrees
  \cercle {OR} {0.5cm} {15} {30} {1.00} {red};
  \draw[red,thin] (OR) -- (pi/12 r:0.5);
  \draw[red,thin] (OR) -- (pi/4 r:0.5);
  % 75 degree arc, starting at -15 degrees
  \cercle {OR} {1.0cm} {-15} {75} {1.50} {blue};
  \draw[blue,thin] (OR) -- (-pi/12 r:1.0);
  \draw[blue,thin] (OR) -- (pi/3 r:1.0);
  % 90 degree arc, starting at -135 degrees
  \cercle {OR} {1.5cm} {-135} {90} {2.00} {teal};
  \draw[teal,thin] (OR) -- (-pi/4 r:1.5);
  \draw[teal,thin] (OR) -- (-3*pi/4 r:1.5);


example output