TeX - LaTeXShowcase of beautiful title page done in TeX
[+221] [15] m0nhawk
[2012-12-07 09:19:26]
[ titles typography big-list ]
[ ]

The book is mostly meets by the Title Page. Default TeX \maketitle are simple and minimalistic.

I'm looking for examples of Title Pages:

I think such examples would be a great inspiration and motivation stuff!

(31) The document »Some Examples of Title Pages« might be helpful here. - Thorsten Donig
(1) I think Thorsten Donig's comment makes a good answer and I'd vote it up. - Christian Lindig
(2) Similar:… - mythealias
(1) @ChristianLindig: Here you are. - Thorsten Donig
(2) I believe that if you want this to be really a showcase, it should be a Community Wiki question. - yo'
(1) Have a look a t Vincent Zoonekynd's title pages. - user10274
[+137] [2012-12-07 18:14:25] azetina [ACCEPTED]

In answer to the question Creating a titlepage [1], Harish Kumar and azetina provided the following nice title page:

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt,demo]{report} %% Remove demo in your file.
\usepackage{lipsum}% Used for dummy text.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\newgeometry{left=7.5cm} %defines the geometry for the titlepage
\textbf{\textsf{UniversitätsKlinikum}} \textcolor{namecolor}{\textsf{Heidelberg}}
{\huge \textsf{Handbuch 1.3}}
\textsf{August 2008}
\restoregeometry % restores the geometry
\nopagecolor% Use this to restore the color pages to white
% ----------------------------------------------------------------

Here is another example:

enter image description here



contents={\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
 \path [fill=titlepagecolor] (current page.west)rectangle (current page.north east); 
 \draw [color=white, very thick] (5,0)--(5,0.5\paperheight);

    {\large \@author}}          

    Author 1 name \\
    Department name \\
    \texttt{}\vspace{40pt} \\
    Author 2 name \\
    Department name \\


\textcolor{white}{\Huge\textbf{\textsf{Hardy's Theorem}}}
\end{minipage} \hspace{15pt}
\end{minipage} \hspace{-10pt}
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given scientific paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject.

Yet another flavor:

enter image description here




contents={\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
 \path [fill=titlepagecolor] (-0.5\paperwidth,5) rectangle (0.5\paperwidth,10);  
    {\large \@author}}              
    Author 1 name \\
    Department name \\
    \texttt{}\vspace{40pt} \\
    Author 2 name \\
    Department name \\
\textcolor{white}{\bigsf Hardy's Theorem}
\end{minipage} \hspace{15pt}
\end{minipage} \hspace{-10pt}
An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given scientific paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject.

Yet another example (using code from Trying to do graphical decorations in "ClassicThesis style" [2]):

enter image description here





    {\large \@author}}              
    Author 1 name \\
    Department name \\
    \texttt{}\vspace{20pt} \\
    Author 2 name \\
    Department name \\

% The following code is borrowed from:

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,shorten >= -10pt]

\coordinate (aux1) at ([yshift=-15pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux2) at ([yshift=-410pt]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux3) at ([xshift=-4.5cm]current page.north east);
\coordinate (aux4) at ([yshift=-150pt]current page.north east);

\begin{scope}[titlepagecolor!40,line width=12pt,rounded corners=12pt]
  (aux1) -- coordinate (a)
  ++(225:5) --
  ++(-45:5.1) coordinate (b);
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
  (aux3) --
  (a) --
\draw[opacity=0.6,titlepagecolor,shorten <= -10pt]
  (b) --
  ++(225:2.2) --
\draw[titlepagecolor,line width=8pt,rounded corners=8pt,shorten <= -10pt]
  (aux4) --
  ++(225:0.8) --
\begin{scope}[titlepagecolor!70,line width=6pt,rounded corners=8pt]
\draw[shorten <= -10pt]
  (aux2) --
  ++(225:3) coordinate[pos=0.45] (c) --
  (aux2) --
  (c) --
  ++(135:2.5) --
  ++(45:2.5) --
  ++(-45:2.5) coordinate[pos=0.3] (d);   
  (d) -- +(45:1);


\titlefont Hardy's Theorem\par
\epigraph{Pure mathematics is on the whole distinctly more useful than applied. For what is useful above all is technique, and mathematical technique is taught mainly through pure mathematics.}%
{\textit{London 1941}\\ \textsc{G. H. Hardy}}

You can find other examples at:


For the first template: I have a question. The texts starts right from the next page of the cover/title page. How can I keep a blank page and a page for 'Acknowledgement' just after the cover page? - rainman
@Ome Take a look at this post: - azetina
@azetina do you know why I get \backgroundsetup undefined sequence even though I have background.sty? Does it require a newer version? - elaRosca
abstract is not defined for books, but you can change it for quotation environment. - DrBeco
Is there an easy way to mimic this decoration for the left side of the page? - ViktorStein
[+41] [2012-12-08 09:08:20] Frank Mittelbach

The question LaTeX3 and pauper's coffins [1] discusses various ways to implement a famous title page by Tschichold in LaTeX:

The picture above shows the various relationships that this design implements (the arrows are overlayed on a picture of the original).

The implementation (using expl3's coffin concepts) is given in Is there no easier way to float objects and set margins? [2]. The LaTeX3 reimplementation then gives this (without trying to use exactly the same fonts):


I like the Bauhaus-esque style. - MaestroGlanz
[+38] [2012-12-07 23:41:51] Aditya

I find the titlepages of the ConTeXt manuals to be visually very pleasing. A few of them involve randomized elements. The source for some of the manuals is available at this svn mirror [1].

(Click on the images to see a bigger version)


(3) At the beginning that was overwhelming to see but thanks for the smaller previews. - azetina
(1) To me, these look more like covers than title pages, but they awesome nonetheless. - Jesper Ipsen
[+37] [2013-12-30 15:59:20] cmhughes

My humble contribution- I made this for the, 'Program Review' that we have at our college. The background image it uses can be found here [1], but of course you'll probably want to insert your own :)

The code uses the tcolorbox [2] and eso-pic [3] packages.


% arara: pdflatex
% !arara: indent: {overwrite: yes}


        enhanced,flushright upper,
        drop fuzzy midday shadow=black!50!yellow

\AddToShipoutPicture{% from package eso-pic: put something to the background
    \AtPageCenter{% start the bar at the bottom right of the page
        \put(-\LenToUnit{.465\paperwidth},-\LenToUnit{.4\paperheight}){% move it to the middle
    \AtPageLowerLeft{% start the bar at the bottom right of the page
        \put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-3cm},0){% move it to the top right
        \put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.7cm},\LenToUnit{17cm}){% move it to the top right
        \put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.5cm},\LenToUnit{12.5cm}){% move it to the top right
        \put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.3cm},\LenToUnit{8.5cm}){% move it to the top right
        \put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.7cm},\LenToUnit{5.0cm}){% move it to the top right
        \put(\LenToUnit{\dimexpr\paperwidth-2.2cm},\LenToUnit{1.5cm}){% move it to the top right


        {\bfseries\LARGE {Program Review} \par}
        {\large \itshape Mathematics \par}
        {\large Portland Community College }


        {\scshape Fall 2008--Spring 2013}

Could you please reupload the background image? - user5402
[+34] [2012-12-07 17:16:44] Thorsten Donig

This is an example derived from the document » Some Examples of Title Pages [1]«. It is not the most spectacular one but should be a good starting point.



    {\LARGE CONUNDRUMS\\ AND \\[0.3\baselineskip] PUZZLES}\\[0.2\baselineskip]
    Selected and Expanded Papers from the Organisation Working Conference on \\
    Enigmas \\
    Location, date from--to\par
    Edited by \\[\baselineskip]
    {\itshape Organisation \\ Address\par}
    {\scshape year} \\
    {\large THE PUBLISHER}\par

In opposite to the document I did not define a command but simply put the necessary code into a titlepage [2] environment.

The appendix Section A of the document has important information about all necessary stuff for creating the title pages.

enter image description here


(3) A standard installation should have this document accessible via texdoc titlepages. - GTK
Thank you! This is beautiful and minimalistic, just what I was looking for. - Belen
[+24] [2016-05-29 13:53:22] G. Bay

This is just my little collaboration. It's not as professional as some examples and the code is far from elegant. So feel free to edit/adapt and improve.

First a more traditional style. Many old books have a title page that look similar to this. I'v used tcolorbox and tikz with calligra [1] font just for fancy.

Booktitle with frame

% This template has been done collecting multiple entries from:
% Author:
% Graciano Bay
% License:
% CC BY-SA 3.0 (

\usepackage{auto-pst-pdf} %To compile psvectorian directly

        sharp corners,

        \fontsize{45}{45}\scshape Book Title\\        
        % Big Logo\\
        {\fontsize{12}{12}\calligra A original story of\\}
        \fontsize{28}{28}\scshape Author Name\\
        start chain=main going right,

             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none] (a1){{\fontsize{12}{12}\calligra Illustrations by} \\
             {\Large Designer}
             { [start branch=A going below]
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](d1){};
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,](d2){\Huge Press logo};
             %\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](d3){};
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none] (a2){\psvectorian[]{148}}; 
             { [start branch=B going below]
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](s1){};
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,](s2){};
             %\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](s3){}; 
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none]  (a3){{\fontsize{12}{12}\calligra Final review by} \\
             {\Large Revisor}
             { [start branch=C going below]
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](e1){};
             \node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,](e2){\Huge Other Logo};
             %\node[on chain,align=center,draw=none,scale=0.01](e3){}; 
        \draw[black] (s2.north) -- (s2.south);

My second is certainly not classic looking. Here i've used only tikz.

Blue Mark title page

% This template has been done collecting multiple entries from:
% Author:
% Graciano Bay
% License:
% CC BY-SA 3.0 (

        \begin{tikzpicture}[local bounding box=picture, baseline=(picture.south)] 
        \node [draw=none] (A) at (0,0) {};
        \node [draw=none] (B) at (15,5) {};
        \node [draw=none] (C) at (5,-5) {};
        \foreach \s/\col in {1.5/ProcessBlue, 1/SkyBlue, 0/ProcessBlue}{
          \path [draw,\col, line width=40] ($(A.west)-(0,\s cm)$) to ($(C.west)-(0,\s cm)$) to ($(B.west)-(0,\s cm)$);
        \node [draw=none] (A2) at (0,-20) {};
                \node [draw=none] (B2) at (22,-8) {};
                \node [draw=none] (C2) at (5,-25) {};
                \foreach \s/\col in {1.5/ProcessBlue!20!white, 1/SkyBlue!20!white, 0/ProcessBlue!20!white}{
                \path [draw,\col, line width=40] ($(A2.west)-(0,\s cm)$) to ($(C2.west)-(0,\s cm)$) to ($(B2.west)-(0,\s cm)$);
        \node [draw=none,text width=\textwidth/1.7] (T1) at (10,0) {\fontsize{50}{50}\MakeUppercase{\textsf{\textbf{A Book Title}}}};
        \node [draw=none,text width=\textwidth/1.7] (T2) at (10,-14) {

I got Latexmk: Failure in processing file './test.tex': 'pdflatex' needed too many passes while compiling your first example - JKHA
[+18] [2015-06-15 10:24:55] John

From my master's thesis. In the background one can see some (dirty) nanoparticles

enter image description here


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[inner sep=0,opacity=1] at (current {\includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{bgtitle.jpg}};
        %\path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt},
            %decorate] ($(current page.south west)+(5.1,6)$) -- ++(9,0) -- ++ (0,2) -- ++ (-1.5,4) -- ++ (0.5,2) -- ++ (-0.35,2) -- ++ (1,1) -- ++ (3.5,0.5) -- ++ (0,5) -- ++ (-4.75,0) -- ++ (-0.5,0.75) -- ++ (-4.25,0) -- ++ (-0.25,0.25) -- ++ (0,2) -- ++(-5.25,0) -- ++ (0,-8.25) -- ++ (0.25,-0.25) -- ++ (4,0) -- ++ (0.5,-0.75) -- ++ (-0.35,-2) -- ++ (0.5,-2) -- ++ (-2,-4) -- cycle;
            \path[clip,decoration={random steps, segment length=6pt, amplitude=2pt},
            decorate] ($(current page.south west)+(5.1,5)$) -- ++(12.15,0) -- ++ (0,12.5) -- ++ (0,5) -- ++ (-4.75,0) -- ++ (-0.5,0.75) -- ++ (-4.25,0) -- ++ (-0.25,0.25) -- ++ (0,2) -- ++(-5.25,0) -- ++ (0,-8.25) -- ++ (0,-12.15) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white,inner sep=0,opacity=0.5] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
  {University of YourTown\\
   Physics Department\\
   Physics Institute
\subject{\textit{\textbf{aster's esis}}\vspace*{-1cm}}
\publishers{\vspace{0.7cm}\addfontfeatures{Numbers=Lining}\large \begin{minipage}{0.6\textwidth}
                         \indent\newlength{\titlepagenewlengthup}\setlength{\titlepagenewlengthup}{\widthof{1 }}\hphantom{2ⁿ }\hspace*{-\titlepagenewlengthup}1 supervisor: Professor Doctor Doe\\
                        2ⁿ supervisor: Professor Doctor Doe\\
                         \newlength{\titlepagenewlength}\setlength{\titlepagenewlength}{\widthof{ad}}\hphantom{2ⁿ super}\hspace*{-\titlepagenewlength}advisor: Doctor Doe\end{minipage}\vspace*{-0.7cm}}
\author{Max Mustermann}
    \hrule height 2pt%
    \vspace{0.3cm} Title of thesis%
    \hrule height 2pt%

(1) I like it. Plus thank you for uploading the code next to it. - MyUserIsThis
[+14] [2020-07-24 18:03:41] Arun Debray

Hope it's OK to share my own example – the title page I created, inspired by this very thread, for notes I took in an algebraic geometry class [1] a few years back.

enter image description here

TeX source:



\newgeometry{left=1in, right=1in,top=1in, bottom=0in}

\titlefont Algebraic Geometry\\
\subtitlefont UT Austin, Spring 2016
\node[scope fading=north, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]{

% for additional pages after the title, uncomment the following line first:
% \clearpage


I guess it inspired ravi vakil too - Sassy Math
[+13] [2012-12-07 11:02:32] user22486

I have few examples to show. You can download these from Here [1], Here [2], Here [3], and Here [4]. These are originally Peter Wilson's titlepage examples that I have changed the examples little to work with xepersian [5] package to typeset Persian documents.

Several examples from the 4th archive:








[+12] [2018-04-21 17:33:58] M. Azarnoush

I used Harish Kumar and azetina code and add this falling dominos picture from tikz example (

%                               PREAMBLE
%                            Cover Page Details
  x/.store in=\xx, x=0,
  y/.store in=\yy, y=0,
  z/.store in=\zz, z=0

    {\large \@author}}              
    Author Names \\  %%%% Your Name
    Department \\    %%%% Department Name
    \texttt{Email Address}\vspace{5pt} \\ %%% Your Email Address
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round, very thin]
  \foreach \x [evaluate={\i=mod(\x+90,360); \j=int((\i<180)*2-1); \t=3;
    \sc=\x/\e; \n=int((\e-\x)/15+5); \X=\x/\e;}] in {10,25,...,\e} {

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x-\t,y={3*sin(\x-\t)})}, yslant=cos(\x)/5]
      (-\X/2, 0)   coordinate (A')  ( \X/2, 0)   coordinate (B')
      ( \X/2,2*\X) coordinate (C')  (-\X/2,2*\X) coordinate (D');

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x,y=3*sin \x)}, yslant=cos(\x)/5]
      (-\X/2, 0)   coordinate (A) ( \X/2, 0)   coordinate (B)
      ( \X/2,2*\X) coordinate (C) (-\X/2,2*\X) coordinate (D);

    \filldraw [black!90] (B) -- (B') -- (C') -- (C)  -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!80] (A) -- (A') -- (D') -- (D)  -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!70] (C) -- (D)  -- (D') -- (C') -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black]    (A) -- (B)  -- (C)  -- (D)  -- cycle;

    \node [text=white, shift={($(C)!0.5!(D)$)}, anchor=north,
      yslant=cos(\x)/5, font=\sf, scale=\sc*1.5] at (0,-.33*\X) {\n};
  \foreach \i [evaluate={\x=\i*30-10; \X=1; \n=int(5-\i); \xsl=\x/180}]
    in {1,...,4} {

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x+\e,y=-3*\x/90)}, yslant=cos \e/5, xslant=\xsl]
      (-\X/2, 0)           coordinate (A) ( \X/2, 0)           coordinate (B)
      ( \X/2, \X*2-\x/360) coordinate (C) (-\X/2, \X*2-\x/360) coordinate (D);

    \path [shift={(3D cs:x=\x+\e,y=-3*\x/90)}, shift={(5/50,5/50-\i*2/50)},
      yslant=cos \e/5, xslant=\xsl]
      (-\X/2, 0)           coordinate (A') ( \X/2, 0)           coordinate (B')
      ( \X/2, \X*2-\x/330) coordinate (C') (-\X/2, \X*2-\x/330) coordinate (D');

    \filldraw [black!70] (C) -- (D)  -- (D') -- (C') -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!70] (A) -- (B)  -- (B') -- (A') -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black!90] (B) -- (B') -- (C') -- (C)  -- cycle;
    \filldraw [black]    (A) -- (B)  -- (C)  -- (D)  -- cycle;

    \node [text=white, shift={($(C)!0.5!(D)$)}, anchor=north, xslant=\xsl,
      yslant=cos \e/5, font=\sf, scale=1.5] at (0,-.33*\X) {\n};
%                               COVER
\titlefont Chapter 1\par
\epigraph{Pure mathematics is on the whole distinctly more useful than applied. For what is useful above all is technique, and mathematical technique is taught mainly through pure mathematics.}%
{\textit{London 1941}\\ \textsc{G. H. Hardy}}
%                            START HERE
This is a test. 
\pi \approx 3.14159 26535 89793 23846  \]

which will produce this enter image description here

enter image description here

[+12] [2018-09-27 14:28:44] current_user

For my school (something decent):

        \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
            \fill[lime!10] (current page.south east) rectangle (current page.north west);
            \fill[lime,even odd rule] (current page.south west) rectangle ([xshift=1.5cm]current page.north west) ($(current page.north west)!.5!(current page.south west)$) arc(180:270:3) ($(current page.north west)!.5!(current page.south west)$) arc(270:450:3.5) ([yshift=7cm]$(current page.north west)!.5!(current page.south west)$)  arc(180:90:3);
%           \draw[lime!10,double=lime!10,double distance=2mm] (current page.south west) --+ (2,2) --+ (-2,6) --+ (2,8) --+ (-2,9) --+ (2,13) --+ (-2,18) --+ (2,30);
                \draw[lime,thin] (13,-1) node[lime,above left] {\Huge\it Teacher} --+ (0,3) node[lime,below right] {\Huge Q11};
            \node[yshift=-5cm,xslant=1,yscale=1.6,lime!40,opacity=.2] at (9.5,-6.5) {\scalebox{6}{Mathematik}};
            \node[yshift=-5cm,lime] at (8,-7) {\scalebox{6}{Mathematik}};
                \draw[lime,fill=lime!20] ([xshift=-1cm]current page.north east) -- ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north east) -- ([yshift=-2cm]current page.north east) -- ([xshift=-2cm]current page.north east);
            \path ([xshift=-1cm]current page.north east) -- ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north east) node[midway,sloped,below=.1cm,lime] {My Name};

Here is the output:


[+5] [2022-03-19 08:51:50] Νικολέτα Σεβαστού

Not a really funcy one but it is nice. I used this [1] post. Of course all the colours, the language and the font size can change.

\usepackage[english, greek]{babel}



{\center\normalfont\large\bfseries\color{amaranth} }{\thesection}{1em}{}

\title{\textit{ \textbf{\textcolor{azure}{\textlatin{TITLE}}}}}
\author{\Large{\bfseries {\textcolor{burntorange}{\textlatin{AUTHOR}}}
        \definecolor{burlywood}{rgb}{0.87, 0.72, 0.53}
        %,showframe% to show the page layout
        \newcommand\om{5mm}% ornament margin
        \newcommand\ow{5cm}% ornament width
        \newcommand\ols{5.5mm}% ornament line shift
        \newcommand\on{63}% ornament number
            ol/.style={line width=1mm,dotted}% style for the lines
        % define the border and save it in a box
                \foreach[count=\i]\a/\p/\s in {%
                    north west/{\om,-\om}/none,
                    north east/{{\paperwidth-\om},-\om}/v,
                    south east/{{\paperwidth-\om},{-\paperheight+\om}}/c,%
                    south west/{\om,{-\paperheight+\om}}/h%
                }\node[anchor=\a](n\i) at (\p){\pgfornament[width=\ow,symmetry=\s]{\on}};
                    \draw([yshift=-\ols]n1.north east)--([yshift=-\ols]n2.north west);
                    \draw([xshift=-\ols]n2.south east)--([xshift=-\ols]n3.north east);
                    \draw([yshift=\ols]n3.south west)--([yshift=\ols]n4.south east);
                    \draw([xshift=\ols]n4.north west)--([xshift=\ols]n1.south west);
        % define a switch to enable and disable the border
        % define a new layer
        % add the border layer to all layer page styles (scrheadings, plain, empty, ...) ...
        \definecolor{burntorange}{rgb}{0.8, 0.33, 0.0}
        \definecolor{azure}{rgb}{0.0, 0.5, 1.0}
        \definecolor{amaranth}{rgb}{0.9, 0.17, 0.31}
        \definecolor{dg}{rgb}{0.0, 0.0, 1.0}
        \definecolor{dr}{rgb}{1.0, 0.13, 0.32}
        \definecolor{cerulean}{rgb}{0.0, 0.48, 0.65}
        \definecolor{buff}{rgb}{0.94, 0.86, 0.51}
        \usepackage[colorlinks, unicode]{hyperref}
                \Bordertrue% enable the border
                        {\itshape\bfseries\color{burntorange}       \textlatin{INSTITUTION} }
                    {\itshape\bfseries\color{burntorange} \textlatin{SCHOOL}
                    \Huge\color{azure}  \itshape
                {\normalsize \today}

                \Borderfalse% disable the border

enter image description here


Plus I think this answer deserves an applause: - Νικολέτα Σεβαστού
[+3] [2022-03-19 09:24:30] Raffaele Santoro

My cover book (picture and code changed for a typo - thanks CarLaTex!) : enter image description here



\usetikzlibrary{ shapes.geometric }
    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Background %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        \fill[blue!50] (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
        \foreach \i in {2,...,22}
            \node[rounded corners,blue!2,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=5, minimum size=\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.south)+(0,1)$) {} ;
        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Background Polygon %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
        \foreach \i in {0,...,15}
            \node[rounded corners,blue!2,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=12, minimum size=\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.west)+(1.5,0)$) {} ;
        \foreach \i in {0,...,15}
        \node[rounded corners,blue!2,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=12, minimum size=\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.east)+(-1.5,0)$) {} ;
%       \foreach \i in {2,...,22}
%       {
%           \node[rounded corners,blue!2,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=18, minimum size=\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.north)+(0,-4.5)$) {} ;
%       }
%       \foreach \i in {21,...,6}
%       {
%           \node[cyan!20,rounded corners,draw,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=12, minimum size=\i cm,ultra thick] at ($(current page.south east)+(-0.5,0.45)$) {} ;
%       }
        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Title of the Report %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
        \node[left,white,minimum width=0.625*\paperwidth,minimum height=3cm, rounded corners] at ($(current page.north)+(6.7,-5)$)
            {\fontsize{40}{45} \selectfont \bfseries TRIGONOMETRIA}
        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Subtitle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
        \node[left,white,minimum width=0.625*\paperwidth,minimum height=2cm, rounded corners] at ($(current page.north)+(7,-6.2)$)
            {\LARGE \textbf{Per neo docenti di matematica, studenti,  cultori}}
        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Author Name %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
        \node[left,white,minimum width=0.625*\paperwidth,minimum height=2cm, rounded corners] at ($(current page.north)+(6.7,-3)$)
            {\huge \textbf{Raffaele Santoro}}
        %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Year %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
        \node[rounded corners,fill=blue!10,text =blue,regular polygon,regular polygon sides=5, minimum size=3.5 cm,inner sep=0,ultra thick] at ($(current page.south)+(0,1)$) {


(2) "studemti"? Are you sure? - CarLaTeX
@CarLaTeX NO!!! It's one 'errore di sbaglio'... - Raffaele Santoro
Ahahah, ciao compaesano! - CarLaTeX
[+3] [2022-05-08 05:43:52] Carlos Romero

I hope you find this at least interesting. The background image is from a website for free images:

Book cover: enter image description here

It's for my in-progress book. Code:

% !TeX spellcheck = es_ES
% !TeX program = xelatex
    Extension = .otf,
    \graphicspath{ {images/} }


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[opacity=1,inner sep=0pt] at (current
\noindent{\fontsize{70}{48} \selectfont \bfseries\sffamily lógica básica.}
\\{\fontsize{20}{48} \selectfont \bfseries\sffamily una introducción al arte del razonamiento}
{\large\sffamily \href{mailto:}{\bfseries carlos romero}}
\noindent \textsf{(versión parcial de \today.)}

[0] [2022-11-09 18:43:03] Raffaele Santoro

enter image description here

I can post also code if requested.

(1) It would be interesting. - karloswitt