TeX - LaTeXPirate Treasure Map
[+31] [1] Mohan
[2012-12-12 22:54:10]
[ fun ]
[ ]

This one is mostly for fun, although seeing the TikZ tricks people come up with is often instructive. While I was looking for examples with torn [1] pages [2], I ran across a few of these:

enter image description here

Can one draw pirate treasure maps like this in LaTeX, or is it just too far out? If the map itself is too difficult, just the 'burnt paper' edge effect would be interesting (although that should possibly be a separate question).

(1) I guess the burnt paper can be faked with one or several blur shadows and clipping, in a similar way than the inset effect was achieved in answer - JLDiaz
(10) What I've been always asking myself: Why is the typical treasure map burnt on all four sides? - Stephan Lehmke
(2) @StephanLehmke : I suspect it isn't actually burnt, but just extremely weathered. - Brent.Longborough
(3) This is a task for Photoshop IMO. - Nicholas Hamilton
If i find X, will I ACTUALLY find a chest full of Gold? - Nicholas Hamilton
Since LaTeX is turing complete you could go for the automatic generation of the landscape. Here is a link for you: Automatic Cave Generation. The results look similar to your map. You might need to colorize a bit. - user23489
[+10] [2012-12-31 09:15:16] TeXter

TikZ used to embed smaller parts of a bigger map - does not do burning, only random rough cropping:

\clip [decorate, decoration={random steps,segment length=4pt,amplitude=1.5pt}] (#2) rectangle (#3);
\node [] {\includegraphics{#1}};

This is used something like this:


In the end, it looks like this:

Map of Sherwood Forest

The Map itself is done in Inkscape. However the same big map is cut on the fly multiple times in the document to focus on different areas. The full (german) document can be found here [1].

But I've made not much progress creating brownish inner glows with TikZ to simulate the burning.


(1) What is the (nice) font used in the surrounding text? - Mohan
(3) That is the Fell family, available at - TeXter
How did you install the fell fonts? - Turion
by loading them via fontspec. see for an example (loads SourceSansPro from TrueType files out of a directory) - TeXter